Thursday, August 9, 2012

The NEW GBD Freedom System!

In the second quarter of 2011, Polhemus announced the release of its latest 3D, 6DOF (degree of freedom) motion capture hardware – the G4. The G4 is a tetherless system in which sensors (the same size as the current ones) are attached by cable to a device the size of a smart phone, typically clipped to the belt. This device transmits (wirelessly) the position and orientation of the sensors to a computer. That is, the golfer will have no “tail” while wearing these sensors!

The obvious advantage to this tetherless system will be the ability to take the system out on the course and the feeling of the golfer that they are less ‘constrained’. A transmitter with power supply will still be required even in this on-course situation, but it does gives greater scope to collect meaningful data under more ‘real-life’ conditions. The sampling rate of 120Hz is less that the Ultimate System (240 Hz) and accuracy is similar at +/- 2 °.

Rob and his programmers are working hard to build the most sophisticated 3D System available in the golf market. How it will be different?

  • It is of course true 3D; that is measuring movement in rotation and translation about 3 axes of motion. K-vest is an example of a 3DOF system – it measures only the rotations about these 3 axes. 
  • We are looking at building three different “models” for the end user, not just one version utilizing three sensors. AMM currently is advertising their version called the Walkabout system which places sensors on the hips, shoulders and club. Our first version of the three sensor model will allow for multiple sensor locations on the body depending on your goal for the teaching session. You get to choose! This is much like our entry level 3D product – the BioFeedback System which utilizes only 3 sensors but has a ‘tail’.
  • We are also taking advantage of a unique feature of the G4 that allows multiple systems to be piggy-backed. Thus, we will have three software versions that allow the use of 3, 6 or 9 active sensors depending on your price point and the degree of sophistication you are after. Thus, the 9 sensor model will be the ‘wireless equivalent’ of our Ultimate System.
Expected price? Well, of course the new hardware is going to be more expensive than that which we currently use (the Liberty Tracker for the Ultimate System). Entry level is expected be around $US10-12 000 compared to our BioFeedback System (Patriot Tracker) at around $7500.

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