Thursday, August 9, 2012

NEW from The Golf Athlete (TGA) – The Big Ten Screening Protocol - With Michael Dalgleish

For many average golfers, their inability to change a specific swing characteristic or flaw has its major cause in the golfer’s inability to physically do it. This may be due to a lack of awareness, poor coordination or motor patterning, decreased range of motion, lack of body segment control or a lack of strength/power.

Often, it is a combination of a number of these issues. Over the last decade, there has been a proliferation of material and ‘tools’ in the marketplace for the Golf Coach and the budding, golf interested Allied Health practitioner to assist in optimizing the performance of their golfers.

We feel strongly that the enlightened coaches will accelerate their coaching outcomes by embracing the link that physical inability may lead to technical deficiencies. In a collaborative effort, The Golf Athlete has developed The Ten Test On‐Range Golf Screening Protocol (‘The Big Ten’) which provides the astute Golf Coach and Allied Health practitioner with a skill set to quickly prioritize the needs of their student. The coach can utilize the Protocol to decipher the “physical” to enable the “technical”, to in time, execute the “tactical”!

The Big Ten attempts to provide an objective and comprehensive assessment that will contribute to the improvement of the golfer’s performance and increase their longevity in the game. The protocol boasts six essential qualities:
  • Each test is golf specific - based on years of golf swing 3D kinematic data
  • Each test takes less than 2 minutes to complete
  • No special equipment is required to complete the tests
  • The screening protocol provides an objective score of the golfer’s golf specific movement ability
  • Scoring allows for easy re‐evaluation of the progress of the golfer 
  • Scoring allows for comparison between individual golfers
And in a continuing TGA and GBD collaboration with Griffith University there will an initial reliability study employing the 10 Test On-Range Screening Protocol commencing shortly.

Thanks to Australian TGA Team members for their input:
  • Robert Neal
  • Matthew Green
  • Ben Corso
  • Bill McTigue
  • Steve Ajzenman
 The DVD is now available - it details each of the tests in both a written and visual format.

Check out: and contact sports physiotherapist and exercise scientist Michael Dalgleish for more details:

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